Monday, March 16, 2009


So this year I was expectin my birthday to kinda slide by without anything really happenin. My friends seemed to have other things in mind. As usual on Wednesday night I went country dancin the day before my birthday. Apparently during the RS dinner that night Alyssa and Deatra decided they were gonna throw a surprise birthday party at my house when I got home that night. On the way home Dave calls Deatra to tell her where we are at, shoulda given it away but I really didn't think anything of it because I was tired and not really thinkin. We get back I look over and see Sara's car, I think that looks like Sara's car and then I just blow it off and forget about it. I walk in the house after pullin my truck in the garage, stop for a second as I am turnin around the lights turn on and about a dozen people or so yell surprise. I jump probably close to a foot off the ground and drop the things in my hands. SO MUCH for gettin by with nothin happenin. I love my friends they sure mad me feel good that night and the day of my birthday! Lucky for them I was tired and didn't pick up on the things that woulda given it away.


Kate said...

We heart you Cody, and just wanted to make sure you knew how much we appreciated you! You are such a great guy and always willing to help out, and always a ray of sunshine. You are always genuinely happy to see me and that makes me feel good. Thanks for being you! :)

Cassie said...

Awesome! PS: Happy B-day. :)